Research field
- Atomic, molecular, optical physics
- Condensed matter physics (characterization)
- Quantum information science (sensing, metrology)
- Super-resolution optical imaging and spectroscopy
- Tip-enhanced photoluminescence/Raman (TEPL/TERS)
- Tip-enhanced strong coupling (TESC) spectroscopy
- Tip-enhanced cavity-spectroscopy (TECS)
and many more ...
Target system
- Low-dimensional quantum materials
- Nanoscale defects
- Single molecules, single atoms
- Photonic quasiparticles (exciton/phonon-polariton, plexciton, …)
and many more ...
- Discovering new emerging quantum optical phenomena
- Understanding quantum hybrid state of photonic quasiparticles
- Controlling quantum light-matter interactions at the nanoscale
- Asking the ultimate question about the unknown
- Exploring the unexplored